Here are examples of some of the plants we grow here at the nursery.
Click on the images to see
a larger picture. Note that some of the plants are mature
specimens. If you are looking for a plant not shown, please email us.
Pineapple Guava: ( feijoa) This lush evergreen shrub has beautiful flowers in spring, followed by delicious fruit that ripens in the fall. Taste is similar
to kiwi,strawberry & pineapple all rolled into one! The leaf undersides are a silver color and the shrub makes a perfect landscape plant.
Gallon size plants 15.00 plus shipping.
Tropical fuzzy kiwi vines: I offer 2 of the fuzzy fruiting
kiwi vines. This consist of 1 female and a male for pollination. These are the Vincent variety of kiwis and they bear the fuzzy, grocery store type kiwis. Hardy from zone 7 south.
Price: 25.00 for the two plus shipping.
Ogeechee Lime: not a true lime but a member of the
tupelo family. Fruit is sour and lime like changing in color from pale green to pink and vivid red. The flowers from this tree make great honey and is attractive to bees. Trees grow up to 40 ft and are very adaptable to dry or wet conditions. Fall leaf color is usually outstanding! Hardy to zone 7.
Price: 12.50 plus shipping.
American Paw Paw trees: Unlike many nurseries that offer Paw paw trees, ours are healthy, live plants growing in gallon pots with an established root system. Many online nurseries sell Pawpaws as bare root sticks that seldom survive! Pawpaws prefer some shade while in their juvenile stage and will tolerate full sun once mature. Pawpaw fruit have a taste similar to banana custard and are hardy to zone 5.
Price: 15.00 plus shipping.
Brown Turkey Fig: Easy to grow fig that provides good crops of medium size fruits every season. Hardy zones 7-9 Zone 6 with protection
Price: 15.00 plus shipping 2 gal size plant.
Russian Giant Pomegranate: This pomegranate from one of the former Russian provinces lives up to its name. Ive seen fruits as large as grapefruit from this variety. Somewhat cold hardy too! Zones 7-9 zone 6 with protection
Price: 25.00 plus shipping. Gallon size plant.